OOC: Lots of refined, tough-as-nails badasses around these parts... How about a more untested one?
Ignacio Kinsley

"I could do without fame; I doubt history would look on me favorably... Fortune, on the other hand, that's where happiness is."
Tall, built with an awkward farmer's musculature: Bulky yet lean, powerful yet emaciated. Graceful in form, he is not, but his taste in clothing more than makes up for it. He has a long-running love affair with red silk, tea shade sunglasses, and the rose knot.
Rich or Poor?:
Quite, quite well off.
Power Descriptions:
While quite sturdy for a man, strength is not his strong suit. Ignacio possesses an extreme quickness of body and reflex, and extraordinary dexterity. More than what should be humanly possible. He also possesses keen vision, (making his sunglasses necessary in brightly lit areas) and a strong sense of vibrations.
But what really sets him apart is his perhaps more... Disgusting tendencies.
Ignacio has extended canines (and retractible claws) with tubes and glands inside that secrete a deadly toxin which halts cellular activity and becomes deadly if injected into a major vein or artery. Once the heartbeat has stopped, this venom tends to dissolve or soften tissues into a delicious meat soup that Ignacio can sip out of the body at his leisure. Of course, Ignacio is hardly a monster, nor is his stomach any bigger than yours or mine. Any and all allegations of him eating humans like a horrible man-shaped spider are lies spread by gossips and fools... But that doesn't mean they're the only people who believe him. He is known to "deflate" small pheasants he catches during hunts with fellow aristocrats at the privacy of his own dinner table.
On the subject of spiders, Ignacio also "fires" fibrous strands from his palms from time to time. They have remarkable strength, and it usually takes heavy force, sharp blades... Or warm water... To break them. Or, in the case that he'd rather sacrifice strength for quick dispension, he may fire a line of fluid quick-drying fluid with the stickiness, consistency, and appearance of hot glue. Others of his kind possess the remarkable ability to line their silk with paralytic poisons, but he doesn't quite know how.
And then there's also the whole ability to walk on walls and (if he's barefoot, which he almost never is) sprint across short stretches of water, but there isn't much to be said about that.
Ignacio comes from a long line of rich... "Spiders" who own a prominent textile and fabrics business back in his home world. He has all the talents and skills someone of his ilk typically would: A firm grasp of the English language (and a vague to mild understanding of some others) gorgeous handwriting, and the ability to answer most typical math problems by the turn of a second. Of course, some more practical ones involve the schools of boxing, fencing, hunting, swimming, and wrestling, but far be it from him to exercise these skills outside of a sporting gym or some sort of tournament with referees standing by. (With the exception of hunting animals and swimming, because what kind of aristocrat would he be if he didn't hunt on the weekends? And who doesn't like swimming?) If there's one thing his training never gave him, it's the nerves to truly fight.
Of course, being the mischievous younger brother that he is, he's also learned a few things over his childhood (and young adult life) that can't be taught in a school, like how to cheat at cards and lie like a master...
Selfish, mischievous, petty, charismatic, shallow, hedonistic, a bit on the cowardly side, with a hint of elitism here and there. Kinsley is a man who's read many books and experienced very little of the real world. Aside from being a connisseur of alleys, brothels, and taverns, his lifestyle is frankly extravagant and quite detached from your average person.
Ignacio is the youngest of three Kinsley brothers, who come from the Kinsley family, who are an old and powerful family of industrial influence and untold riches. The Kinsleys themselves come from a perpetually Industrial-Revolution-Aged,temperate, earthlike planet where years of chemical warfare and magic misuse have caused the populace to take on the traits and abilities of certain animals. For the Kinsleys, and several other families, they discovered that they were spiderlike hundreds of years ago when one of their ancestors discovered that when he flexed his hands just right he could shoot lines of silk out of them. He started a fabrics business just to be ironic, but time passed, and the loom was invented, patents were bought, and generations later it became a sprawling monopoly.
That's where these three came in. Sir Kinsley and the Mrs., after a brief health scare, had decided it was time to write out their final will and testament before it was too late. By default, Ignacio's eldest, married, and most mature ("stuck up" in Ignacio's words) brother Roderick is set to inherit the family fortune and the majority of the business. The middle brother, Ismael, was going to inherit a great deal of money and some smaller part of the business, because he was industrious but unmarried and... not particularly likely to produce any heirs. And Ignacio? A monthly allowance of money, and a cotton mill.
The initial intention of this was to get Ignacio to step up his game, so to speak, and earn the responsibility of a share in the family business... But they quickly discovered that Ignacio was not particularly ambitious in this department, and that he was highly unlikely to do any stepping of any game as long as he could continue his partying lifestyle. So they told him to go out and earn money for himself and find his way in the world for a month or until they were sure he'd changed, or else they'd cut him out of the inheritance entirely.
So here he was, at a bar full of adventurer types, hoping that one of them has a job for him...
Women (especially those of "buxom" or "voluminous" structure)
Gentlemanly sports
"Gentlemanly sports"
Card games
Studying arthropods
Authority that isn't his
Losing at cards
Getting dirty
Bad/overly powerful smells, most notably, the majority of flowers
The idea of taking a life
Running out of money
Losing his way of life
Being killed
Women (especially those of "buxom" or "voluminous" structure.
(He likes girls that are bigger than he is because he's a spider lolol geddit))
"Gentlemanly sports"
Not really. I ran out of paragraph ideas.
Theme Song:
"Danse Macabre" by Camille Saint-Saens